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Premium Gasoline

Premium Gasoline

Our additized premium gasoline can be used in all motor vehicles with a gasoline engine without any problems, because our fuel complies with European, American and Japanese standards.

The use of our gasoline ensures better performance of your engine: low maintenance and fuel costs, cleaner emissions and no cold-start problems. It is also suitable for outboard engines and lawn mowers.


Staatsolie Gasoline (95 RON)  
Test Min Max Unit Test method ASTM
RON 95     D2699
MON 85     D2700
Density at 15 °C 720 775 kg/m³ D4052
Aromatics   70 vol % D1319
Olefins   18 vol%  D1319
Benzene   3.0 vol% D3606
Dry Vapor Pressure
55.0 69.9 kPa D5191
Sulfur content   50 mg/kg D2622
Lead 0   g/l D3237
Dist. 10 vol% recovered     °C D86
Dist. 50 vol% recovered   121.0 °C D86
Dist. 90 vol% recovered   190.0 °C D86